Land & Planning
At Church & Green, we have qualified Town Planners who are able to advise individuals and organisations on navigating the complex planning process. We provide expertise in planning applications, regulations, and policies, helping clients secure approvals for development projects.
At Church & Green, we work on a large number of Written Representations for appeal.
Avoiding appeals is obviously beneficial from a cost and time perspective, but we are finding a large number of applications can get forced down the appeal route, so it is worth considering the likelihood of appeal from the outset of a project to strengthen its case further down the line.
As an example, we were successful in overturning the refusal to allow permission for the erection of a pair of semi-detached dwellings at land adjacent to 7 Granger Avenue, Maldon, Essex, in accordance with the application, Ref FUL/MAL/21/00162, dated 16 February 2021.
The proposed development was deemed to cause no harm either to the area’s character and appearance, or to the living conditions of any residential occupiers, and accorded with all relevant Local Plan policies.
The scheme would also provide housing in a district currently lacking a 5-year supply.
Church and Green successfully prepared an appeal that overturned the refusal to grant permission for two detached, passive four-bedroom dwellings.
The proposal was deemed to offer two additional dwellings with social and economic benefits for the village, making a small yet valuable contribution to local housing needs.
As low-carbon passive dwellings, they would be constructed to high environmental standards, with potential ecological benefits as well.
The change in the area's character due to new developments since the adoption of the South Cambridge Local Plan, along with these other benefits, served as material considerations justifying a decision that deviated from the development plan in this case.
Church and Green prepared the appeal that was successful in overturning the refusal to allow permission for the erection of 7 dwellings with the retention of the existing dwelling at 14 Southminster Road, Tillingham, Essex in accordance with the terms of the application, Ref 22/00514/OUT, dated 4 April 2022.
It was concluded that the proposed development would have an acceptable effect on the character and appearance of the area. Therefore, it would accord with Policies S1, S8, D1 and H4 of the Maldon District Local Development Plan 2017 (LDP).
Land Identification & Acquisition
At Church & Green we take a potential site from identification, planning and then either development or acquisition stage.
Our Primary goal is to support our clients to unlock land for development or resale. Partnering with a network of property developers enables us to realize the sale of the land efficiently.
Reserved Matters
At Church and Green we are regularly working up reserved matter applications. Following an outline approval like this one where we successfully obtained a Reserved Matters approval for erection of nine dwelling houses with associated landscaping and car parking for Land adjacent 1 Smallholdings Eastwoodbury Lane, Southend-on-Sea, Essex.
A level of optimization was required to redesign the outline approved layout allowing for a scheme that met Essex Design and national standards.
The site is now currently under development.
Outline Application
Outline applications are the most popular route for our landowners wishing to establish the principle of development on a potential site.
Although the amount of work involved is similar to that of a full application, the outline option allows for flexibility to reserve matters such as access, layout, appearance, scale, and landscaping allowing our clients to establish the principle of development so that a reserved matters application can be supported subsequently to detail the application.
Full Application
Full planning applications are a popular choice for smaller developments with less to be conditioned or for sites that require detail from the outset. Church and Green prepared the full planning application that was successful in obtaining approval for The erection of 1 No. two -storey dwelling with associated works and infrastructure.
The site was located outside of the defined development boundary forming an area of garden to the side of an existing end of terrace dwelling.